Sunday, January 17, 2010


Jan. 11

Jan. 12

Jan. 14

Jan. 14 (2)

Jan. 15

Jan. 16

Jan. 17

I'm still getting used to this taking a picture everyday thing, so I've created a rule for myself: if I do miss a day, which I know is just inevitable because I've done it already this week, I can make up for that day by taking two photos in one day; hence, the two photos for the 14th. The first, I took from my car on the way back to work on my lunch break, the second: taken from the hills in Pacific Palisades, third: oh, blustery day, fourth: that's my Harry Potter book, five: my last night with my Christmas lights up around my window, six: that Porsche was in the Promenade parking lot and I couldn't help myself, and seven: the items I bought on my excursion to Ikea on Saturday (which I'll tell you about tomorrow).

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I've made the same rule for myself!
I realized when I declared a 365-day photo project that I might have some problems lugging around my huge (but super awesome) Nikon camera. I'm trying to be as good as I can about taking photos EVERY day, but it's hard. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. (And YAY for Harry Potter.)

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