Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday Bro!

So I'm feeling rather lame, but yesterday was my brother's 24th birthday and I should've posted this yesterday, but better late than never, right? (And just for the record, I did wish him happy birthday yesterday via text - because his phone was turned off so I couldn't call - and facebook).

So Happy #24 Mitch, the bestest brother ever!!

1 comment:

Melanie's Randomness said...

aww Happy Birthday to your bro!!! =)

Hey girl thanks for the comment!! Okay to make a button it isn't that hard. If you make a picture that you would like to make your banner, upload it to a photobucket or imageshack & then email me the internet code to the one that is http://...etc. I will more than make the code for you & email it back to you. =)

Let me know!!! My email is:

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