Friday, November 5, 2010

Write a novel in 30 days!

 (It's a little late for this, but I saw this house a few days before Halloween and thought it was the coolest thing ever!)

I know, I've been a little MIA lately. The main explanation is called NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month) started by Chris Baty back in 2003 I believe. I knew about it years ago and completely forgot. Basically, you write a novel that is 50,000 words (at least) in 30 days. Needless to say, whether you have a full time job or not (which, technically, I do: writing) it takes a lot of time and energy. I personally have no idea how people with 9-5 jobs get it done by the end of the month, but millions of people all over the world do. Cool right?

I'm excited about my story. It's about a girl and a guy who used to date who switch bodies. And hilarity ensues. I'm having fun with it.

Anyway, besides the writing marathon I also moved over Halloween weekend. It was a hard move, I didn't get to have much of a Halloween (and next to Christmas, it's my favorite holiday) and we didn't have internet until Monday on top of everything. Hence, the long absence.

So I hope you'll all excuse my absence this month while I type like a madwoman lol! I'll be sure to stop in when I have some extra time.


Hermione said...

Sounds exciting! You should share it here on the blog later when you're done.
Thanks for being such a faithul reader on my blog, it really does mean a lot. Truly.

Amanda said...

I'll definitely share some snipits of the story, especially the funny parts!

I always look forward to your posts :)

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