Sunday, November 27, 2011

That time of the year

It's Fall and Christmas is just around the corner. Wouldn't it be lovely to get away to a place like this? Absolutely gorgeous.

I've been busy with the usual holiday madness: buying Christmas presents, driving all over the place in hideous traffic, and planning ahead for visiting friends. Thanksgiving was nice. I hope yours were all lovely! We went to a family friend's house and the food was great, but I didn't overdo it, which is an accomplishment! And Black Friday was pretty hectic; I went to the mall between the morning and afternoon crowds, but got stuck in the Camarillo Outlet's ridiculously inadequate parking lot. That wasn't fun, but other than that it was a good day. Did any of you brave the Black Friday madness?

I also saw Hugo yesterday and it is an absolute must see! It was so great in 3D! Martin Scorcese is a genius! I laughed, I cried and was blown away by the amazing story of this boy named Hugo. 

I thought I'd be doing more writing this month for nanowrimo, but it hasn't been panning out well. But I'm okay with that. It's been so nice having a little break from worrying about my story and whether or not it will ever get published.

Other than that I joined a book club. We meet every month at our Barnes & Noble and my first book that I read was Little Bee, which I read in two days. It's one of those books you can't put down and the story will catch you off guard. I highly recommend it.

Well, I hope you've all been enjoying a very relaxing holiday weekend and I'll get back to you soon!

1 comment:

Caitlin @ Candyfloss & Persie said...

yes, would love to be there as well! I find myself really wishing for snow lately

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