Friday, March 5, 2010

Wow, I'm so behind I almost forgot to do this...

This Picture-a-Day post is nearly a week behind, but it was a very tough and busy week. I moved out of my first apartment that was all my own and back in with my mom (in the rain, by the way), had another emotional breakdown with Shannon, went to Mark's birthday party (now one of my ex-neighbors) and was completely hungover on Sunday. Not exactly the way I pictured spending my last night in my apartment, but it's time to move on now. And I have to say, it's a relief to not be living next door to my ex anymore. Now, when I choose to see him, it'll be because I want to and not because I have to tell him his music is too loud.

Feb. 23 Houses along PCH
Feb. 23 Art at a Gallery on Ocean
Feb. 24 Packing
Feb. 26 Drinks at Obrien's on Wilshire
Feb. 27 My new room
Feb. 28 Mark's party: Jamie, me, and Liz
Feb. 28 Alison, David, and me (I have about four other photos of random people wearing that hat - which is Shannon's - it got passed around so much that night)

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