Monday, July 18, 2011

I still have both of these stories on the brain...

Last Friday morning, before going to see Harry Potter, I finished Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I read it in three days. It is amazing. Card is incredible at creating a rich plot with well developed characters, as well as weaving in heavy subjects like religion, politics, love, friendship, and, above all, what it really means to be human. It's a total page turner; I couldn't put it down. And Ender is now in my top ten of favorite fiction characters. I'll now read anything by Orson Scott Card.

I also saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 on Friday and it was also incredible. I saw it in 3D, which just adds to the magic :)  It followed the book fairly closely, which I liked, until the very end; Hollywood just can't help but be overly dramatic. But I liked it anyway. In my mind, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint will always be Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They were perfect. I'm really going to miss having a Harry Potter movie to look forward to. I suppose I'm just going to have to buy the rest of them as I only own the first four...Anyway, great movie. If you haven't seen it yet, do!

P.S. We still have Pottermore to look forward to!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Okay, if you recommend Ender's Game, I'm definitely picking it up. You'll also love Orson Scott Card's Enchantment and The Lost Gate. Highly recommend those two.

And I went on Saturday to see Harry Potter. I think I need to go again, just to pretend like it's not all over.

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