Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dream House: Master Bedroom

So I've finally made it to one of the most important rooms in a house. My bedroom is definitely where I spend most of my time, so it tends to be that one room that gets changed over time the most for me. I found it surprising (though, I shouldn't have been surprised) when looking through photos of  bedrooms how few appealed to me. It seems I'm getting more and more particular in the look I want. I suppose that can't be a bad thing.

 photo Kim-hersov-home-hubert-zandberg-ED.jpg
 photo HB-MaryMcDonald.jpg
 photo chad-eisner-in-ELLE-DECOR-3.jpg
 photo ED-RayBooth.jpg
 photo ED-MarkCunningham.jpg
 photo AD-terry-hunziker-inc-los-cabos-mexico.jpg
 photo AD-dineen-architecture-design-new-york.jpg
 photo HB-MartinHorner.jpg
 photo AD-victoria-hagan-interiors-greenwich-connecticut.jpg

I seem to be attracted to contrasts in light and dark, especially. I love this last one by Victoria Hagan (actually, I like most of her stuff. She does white so well, as does Barbara Barry.) The idea of looking out into the starry sky at night in my bed just sounds amazing. The room by Mark Cunningham is a little too dark for me, but it's so gorgeous. I really do not like the color scheme of the room by Terry Hunziker, but the openness of the room is what I like most about that one. Obviously, the first is my favorite, though the screens and chairs on either side of the bed are a bit much. I think some combination of the first and third rooms would be my ideal.


Ms. Emmy N said...

All of these are beautiful! I love the clean lines and calming colors in the 3rd and 4th pictures! We just finished our master bedroom and it is so much more fun to be in a room we love!

R's Rue said...

The first room

Eddie Zacapa said...

Nice blog!

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