This last Sunday I lost my best friend. As one of my friends puts it, you never lose friends, you just find out who your real friends are, but this feels like a loss to me. I have never been so devastated. He was such a big part of my life and now he is gone and I'm completely heartbroken. Even as I type this I'm completely ruining my makeup. (and it doesn't help that my boss just told I've messed up on something yet again. what else is new?)
I was such a mess on Sunday that I took a personal day off work on Monday and spent the whole day with my mom getting samples of paint for my apartment, shopping on the promenade and moving around the rest of my furniture in my apartment, which mainly consisted of turning my bed a whole 180 degrees. That was no easy task, but so worth it. That day was so great it left both of us wishing all our days could be like that. Alas, it was back to work on Tuesday and now I'm just willing this week to go by faster so I can paint my apartment! I suppose it's always good to have something to look forward to.
Here's some photos of our adventures on the promenade:
I love trying on hats! (J Crew)
And the rest are from Anthropologie:
These covers on classic books like Dorian Grey are so awesome! And so are those fantastic pillar candle holders
The cash register, which I hadn't even noticed last time I was there.

Little tiny camera

I LOVE their jewelry!

These notebooks are so cool. They have different paper on every page and poems as well

The cover

My mom and I both coveted this purse!

I was surprised to find I looked really good in these frames. Bummer considering I don't need glasses anymore. I would actually buy a pair if they weren't prescription lol

My mom with her new glasses :)

Cabinet knobs! I bought some for my bathroom and kitchen, which I will share pictures of soon!

I just love that color blue

At the back of the store was this peacock made of pages from books. Coolest thing I've ever seen!

Peacock tail. How creative is that?! I would love to make something like that.

Gorgeous ceiling tiles that my mom pointed out to me, which I hadn't noticed before. I suppose I've always been too distracted by everything else in the store

Isn't this just so creative?! Everything in this store is so creative and eclectic. I'm completely enamored with it!

Such a gorgeous display leading up to the second floor.
My mom and I spent a good hour in Anthropologie looking at just about everything and smelling every candle we saw lol! Then we went back to my apartment to paint swatches on my wall of the paint colors I chose at Home Depot, only to find that none of the three samples I got were going to work and I was going to have to go back and get a fourth one! Oh well, I'm learning. It's going to be a whole other experience to paint the walls, not to mention getting used to living in a new color! I figure it's the perfect way to start over after having my heart broken.
I'm sorry about your friend. I've been through situations like that in the past and I know how heart breaking they can be.
Anthropologie was a great choice to lift your spirits though. Your photos are so tempting -- I want so badly to run to the mall that's two blocks away and just look around at the store. Sadly, I do need to get back to my reading.
I'm not feeling it either. This year has been just a mess so far. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I recently lost my best friend & I'm devatasted with missing him. All I can say is time makes things a lil better but its hard. Huge cyber *HUGS*
I could stare at all the stuff in anthropologie for hours & hours!! It's all so pretty!!!
So sorry to read about your friend. It must be such a hard time for you.
A great store you went to though. Those photos were very tempting...good job I live in a different country!
SOrry for the delay to this but I'm so sorry to hear of your friend though I can't tell if he passed or if you two had a falling out. Regardless, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you had fun with your Mom, looks like a good time.
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