Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dream House: Entry ways and Powder Baths

I think the entry is probably one of the most important areas in the home; it's also one of my least favorite. I honestly don't care much about the entry, so I don't spare much thought for it. I suppose once I do have a house to design, I might feel very different. I do, however, love powder bathrooms. I think the two kind of go hand in hand so I'm posting my inspirations for both areas this month. Enjoy!

 photo AptTherapy-JWSInteriors.jpg
 photo MetHome-StephanieOdegard.jpg
 photo MetHome-BarryDixon.jpg
 photo AptTherapy-Garrett.jpg
 photo ED-DevinKirk.jpg
 photo HB-MichaelBerman.jpg
 photo hollywood8.jpg
 photo HB-milesredd.jpg
 photo MetHome-KyleGaffneyampShannonRankin.jpg
 photo MetHome-ShamirShah.jpg
 photo karapaslaydesigns9.jpg

I notice a trend with the powder bathrooms: single round or rectangular mirrors against a backdrop of a patterned wallpaper or tile. It's probably the only part of the house I'd enjoy that much loud pattern and color. My favorites are the first photo and the last. If anyone can tell me where that little console table in the entryway is from, I'd love you forever!


R's Rue said...

The first one and the spiral stair

Anonymous said...

pretty nice blog, following :)

denizli apart kiralama said...

The first one and the spiral stair

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